MEN: ARE YOU worried about the size of your manhood? Well, you needn’t be, as the man with the longest penis in the world isn’t too thrilled by the experience.
Roberto Esquivel Cabrera claims his penis measures 18.9 inches, but says that the size is not a blessing, but a curse.
He thinks his penis stops him holding down a steady job, and that it’s scaring women away.
But he still wants it to be recognised as a Guinness World Record, and has had it X-rayed as ‘proof’:
Doctors say the main part of his penis is around six inches long, with the rest just extra skin.
Cabrera wants to be declared disabled, so he can claim benefits – from the Mirror:
Look at where it is, it goes far below the knees. I cannot work… I want authorities to declare me as a disabled person and give me support.
He’s been advised to get a ‘shaft reduction operation’, but hopes to get into the Guinness Book of Records first. Priorities.